Monday, April 18, 2011

Japan is prepared with technology!

In an article from "Japan's Technology Helps With Recovery Efforts" the author discusses how Japan's preparedness has helped after the earthquake and tsuanmi. So as we all know Japan is has amazing technological advancements. Their buildings are made of earthquake/tsunnami resistant steel and metal. But what is most amazing is how the have developed robots to help find struggling victims. For example the Robocue not only does this but also has oxygen tanks which allow assistants to help victims breathe. The Quince another robot uses the detection of carbon dioxide to track down humans in need.
These are great inventions and applications of science at work helping humans survive. I wonder if a system like that is being used here in the US? And is it posssible to improve on this invention for the future? Could there be an addition to it that measures body temperature, pulse, etc. this way emergency crew members know the exact situation they are dealing .check out the pictures of the robocue.

Another cool thing check out this other blog that discusses the robocue:

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